Compact ovens can be a great space saver in a small kitchen and an exciting addition to a kitchen full of the latest gadgets. Compact ovens are usually seen as microwave ovens, convection ovens or NuWave ovens. In modern home design, compact ovens can make up for different convenient appliances. They fit into a small kitchen space without taking up much room.

When looking for the best compact oven, it is important to consider these things : 

Counter Space

It is imperative to get a compact oven small enough to fit in the given space along with other cookware. When choosing a compact microwave, look for one with a capacity of at least 0.7 cubic feet or 0.0198 cubic meters. Anything smaller and it might not be able to fit a dinner plate inside.

There are plenty of compact ovens that have an interior capacity of 0.7 cubic feet. This only take up about 18 x 11 inches of surface area. This makes them the ideal size to place on a shelf, cabinet, or other stable surface where space is limited. 

Cooking Features

Features range from simple presets like popcorn and beverage heating to preset time and power levels for defrosting and cooking things like frozen vegetables, baked potatoes, and prepared meals. Though many of the smaller ovens do not have all the capabilities of the larger models, some of the extra cooking features can be expected. Compare different model features to be able to determine which one is best for regular use.


It is important to determine what features are to be used. Additional features could also mean added expense.The price range for compact or small microwave ovens can vary, but many good options are available for not much money. 


In modern home design, style is important. Since this object will most likely be visible in one's kitchen, it is a good idea to at least think about how it will look. Most compact microwaves are either white or black. However, there are also stainless steel or colored models. But these are usually more expensive. 

It is possible to get a better microwave than one could normally afford. By buying the used machines can be a good solution for many people. Unfortunately, microwaves do break, and choosing a used model may prove a disappointment. A new compact microwave oven is guaranteed to work and may even come with a warranty. Which choice is the best depends on the risks the consumer is willing to take. 

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